February 16, 2025

Erick Charriez

Smart Data Solutions

Blockchain Technology: 5 Fast Facts You Need To Know


Blockchain is one of the most exciting new technologies on the internet. It has applications beyond cryptocurrencies, and its potential for revolutionizing business and society is unparalleled. Yet many people still don’t know what it is or how it works. In this article, we will cut through the hype to explain exactly what blockchain technology is, how it works, why it’s important—and whether it can be trusted (spoiler alert: yes).

What is blockchain technology?

Blockchain technology is a way to store and exchange data that is decentralized, distributed, public and encrypted. It allows users to make transactions without an intermediary like a bank or government regulator.

A blockchain can be thought of as an electronic ledger in which transactions made in bitcoin or another cryptocurrency are recorded chronologically and publicly. The blockchain also serves as a historical record of all transactions that have ever been made on the network. Each node (a computer connected to the network) gets a copy of the blockchain, which means that there are thousands upon thousands of identical ledgers distributed around the world at any given time.

How does blockchain technology work?

Blockchain technology is a distributed ledger that allows for the creation of public ledgers with no central authority. These digital records are immutable, transparent and secure. Blockchain technology has applications across many industries including finance, healthcare and supply chain management.

In addition to being decentralized, blockchain technology also features:

  • Immutability – blocks cannot be changed once they have been added to the chain
  • Transparency – anyone on the network can see all transactions taking place on it without any restrictions or limitations
  • Security – cryptographic algorithms make it impossible for hackers or cyber criminals to compromise your data

Why is blockchain important?

Blockchain technology is a distributed ledger that can be used to record transactions. This means it’s not controlled by any one person or entity, but instead functions as an open, decentralized record of activity.

Blockchain technology uses cryptography to ensure that transactions cannot be changed or deleted–and this makes it more secure than traditional databases.

Is blockchain safe?

Blockchain technology is secure because of its use of cryptography.

Cryptography is the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of third parties. Cryptography can be used to encrypt data so that only those with authorization can access it, or it can be used to digitally sign documents and verify their authenticity. In either case, when you use blockchain technology, your data will be encrypted so no one else can see what you’re doing except for those who are authorized to do so (and even then, only if they have access).

Blockchain is also decentralized–it doesn’t rely on any single company or government entity for its security or integrity; instead, it relies on all users working together as part of a community with shared goals and interests. This means that if someone wanted to tamper with something written into the blockchain (such as bitcoin), he would need 51{6f258d09c8f40db517fd593714b0f1e1849617172a4381e4955c3e4e87edc1af}+1 consensus from all other miners who are participating in that particular block chain at any given moment before being ableto make any changes at all!

Blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrencies are built on blockchain technology, which is the underlying technology behind cryptocurrencies. Blockchain is a digital ledger that records transactions and other data in a secure and transparent way.

Cryptocurrency is a digital currency that uses blockchain technology to secure transactions and control the creation of new units, as well as to verify them. This makes it secure from tampering, fraud or third party interference.

Blockchain is a groundbreaking technology with the potential to change our lives.

Blockchain is a groundbreaking technology with the potential to change our lives.

Blockchain is a decentralized, secure and transparent digital ledger that can be used to store data including records, contracts and agreements. It can also be used to create smart contracts which are self-executing computer programs that automatically execute when certain conditions are met by both parties involved in an agreement – for example paying rent on time or signing up for a service like Netflix where you have access only if there’s no chargeback fraud (when someone makes purchases they don’t intend to pay).

Blockchains are distributed ledgers meaning they don’t rely on one central authority or server but instead use many computers across several locations connected by an internet network called nodes that verify transactions before adding them into blocks which form part of this permanent record of transactions known as ‘the chain’.


When you think about blockchain technology, you probably think of cryptocurrencies or other ways that it can be used to facilitate financial transactions. But the truth is that there are so many more applications for this amazing new technology than just money! Blockchain has been called “the internet of value” because it has the potential to change almost everything we do online–from shopping and banking to voting and healthcare records management.