February 16, 2025

Erick Charriez

Smart Data Solutions

5 Things To Help You Understand Data Storage


Data storage is the process of storing data in a way that’s easy to retrieve and use. It’s a fundamental part of how computers, smartphones and other devices work. If you’ve ever shopped online or used an app on your phone, you have relied on data storage to do so—and every time you check Gmail, Facebook or Twitter there’s more information being stored somewhere. But what exactly is it? And why do we need so much of it? This guide will explain the basics of what data storage means and why it matters today.

What is data storage?

Data storage is the process of storing data in a database. A database is a collection of data that can be stored on disk or in memory, and it can be stored on a single computer or across multiple computers.

Data storage is often associated with databases because they’re often used for storing large amounts of information, but there are other forms of data storage as well. The following sections explain how these different types work:

How data storage works

Now that you know what data storage is, let’s look at how it works.

Data is stored in a database. A database server is responsible for storing all of the data and making sure it’s available when you need it. The server stores your data in files called tables, which are organized into rows and columns (more on those later). Each row represents a single object or item; each column contains information about that object or item. This can be anything from an employee’s name to their phone number or address–anything related to that person would fall inside one row of the table. Rows are grouped together into tables based on their relationship: employees might be grouped into one table while clients belong in another table; products could go into another table altogether!

How much data is being stored?

You may be wondering, “How much data is being stored?” Data storage has exploded over the last few decades. It’s growing at an exponential rate and is projected to continue for years to come. In fact, it’s growing faster than Moore’s Law!

In case you need a refresher on Moore’s Law: it states that transistor counts double every two years (and this has held true since 1965). But we can’t talk about transistors without also mentioning density–the amount of transistors per square inch of chip surface area–and this metric has been increasing just as rapidly over time as transistor count does; if anything, even more so because it directly affects how big your computer can be while still being able to fit inside its box or chassis (i.e., how thin your laptop could be).

Why do we need more data storage?

You might be wondering why we need more data storage. If you’re a data scientist, the answer is simple: because we’re generating more and more data every day! Data storage is becoming increasingly important as our world becomes more connected and automated. Data storage also plays an important role in big data and artificial intelligence (AI).

How big is big data?

Big data is a term used to describe datasets that are too large or complex to process with traditional database management tools. Big data sets can be generated from any number of sources, including web server logs and social media posts.

Big data sets can be divided into three main categories: unstructured (text), semi-structured (numbers), and structured (numerical data). Unstructured data includes things like emails and video podcasts; these types of files do not have an established structure but instead rely on tags or keywords for organization purposes. Semi-structured data refers to numerical information such as Facebook posts or tweets; unlike unstructured files, this type does have an established structure but still requires some form of preparation before it can be analyzed by machine learning algorithms such as neural networks that allow computers to make their own decisions based off previous experiences using only inputted information without human intervention required beyond initial setup steps like training sessions where all parameters necessary for proper functioning within each system are programmed into each component device involved in processing tasks related specifically towards completing said task(s). Structured data refers specifically towards numerical forms only–for example: tables containing summaries about different types living beings found within our galaxy which includes species names along with descriptions describing what makes each species unique among others sharing similar characteristics so we wouldn’t confuse them when trying identify exactly what type specimen we’ve stumbled upon while exploring uncharted territories during space exploration missions undertaken by NASA scientists during its heyday era back when President John F Kennedy was still alive before being assassinated during 1963 assassination attempt against him by Lee Harvey Oswald Jr., who later confessed during interrogation sessions held shortly after his arrest following trial proceedings held at Central Criminal Court House located near King Street East & Queen Street West intersection close proximity near Union Station Toronto Canada where both men were born several years apart from each other growing up side by side until adulthood took hold over time leading them down separate paths one ending tragically while another ended happily ever after…

Databases are at the heart of storing and processing data.

Databases are at the heart of storing and processing data. They’re used by big companies, small businesses and even individuals to store, process and manage information.

Databases can be defined as: “a collection of related tables that are stored on a computer’s hard drive.” They help organize information so it’s easier to find later on if you need it again or want to work with that data in another way–like making graphs or charts with Excel (which we’ll talk about later!).


Data storage is an important part of our digital world, and it’s not going away anytime soon. If you need help understanding how data storage works or if you have any questions about this article feel free to leave them in the comments section below!